Production within the goldfinch cages


The focus was still on the female goldfinch in production .. Where it should be female Goldfinch accustomed to life in the cages.  Female favorite is the female who was brought in a white, possible that the results from the first year.  Female who was brought to Sidon, which is small by any ornamentation Althanaah possible to produce in the second year.  And female, which brought a large Sidon is also possible to produce in the second year and be good and strong.  Food must be suitable for the female as the annual orbit as follows:In winter: the food to the female Alguenbz, flaxseed and a few Alnnigerh mix and eggs every week or two weeks, and worms can be placed, as is evident in the important topics for Goldfinch, shall not be any female vegetables in winter, except for thyme.  After winter: feed the female flowers of all types of forks, if possible, the seeds of thistle, thyme, and wet and the seeds supplied with vitamin and mix eggs and fortified Baldidn Alguenbz and flax seeds and increase our Alnnigerh.  This means that wet seeds, vegetables and flowers in the thorns, the mating season after the winter, and can be placed on the vitamin vegetables, so do not put it in the water.  With the permanent observer of the feces of the female so do not get inflammation in the intestine.
Goldfinch can be married in a small cage, but it is important to be in a height of more than fifty centimeters so that the nest is close to the land of the cage .. Since this is contrary to the nature of the Goldfinch in the wild.Cage size: 80 in 40 Showing a height of 50Many educators condition cages large and that to the many reasons I recall, for example: the nature of the male who becomes more uproar in the small cage, which makes it more curious to tamper with Bash and then break the eggs.Can be a cage cubic meters or two metersWe do not recommend to place more of a female with a view to production at the same time, I mean every male and female in the cage and the only one.Put the cage in a place away from children and pets, and the possible roll cage material to be interesting Al_husona inside the cage and be safe, Knailon or material suitable for the weather according to the country.
Male and female
When a male is ready to be billed to yellow-white and not quite the point remains at the top of a small black beak.And legs are also white to yellow slashes. And be very bird whistling.Females also have signs above it cut in the beeping and sometimes play as if in anything you want to build a nest for example, play in a small paper or feather.The best way to choose a male to female, to place them in a large cage with some possible female or female more than you will find harmony among all the male and female, piece by beeping and the Atama each example, or to follow each other.This avoids the problem of harmony even if the female you want to mention specific.
The nest
The nest and place inside the cage is also important.It is better to put the nest on the industrial vegetables and put it in a good place to stop it so that the bird does not fall inside the stool.Nesting material is better to be soft, like a thread or burlap and a few weeds and wild cotton which is in the thistle flowers and there is also a natural substance called echo grass will put pictures, and some used wool sheep or goat hair We hope to be cautious of this article, which may be bacteria and skin diseases, although we have found a hair goat hair and other animals in the wild nests.This is the article that called echo grass
Al_husona may seem sick at the beginning or you are building a cluster of eggs is internal and they spent much protein or because they were weak and need to feed, and in this case is not adherence to hand so as not to break down the function carried out by .. But always watched the stool.It is better to have a mesh cage between the stool and prevent the feet of birds perish stool to the bottom of the cage and exposed to birds, and also so that the Al_husona to eat feces, or to be in the eggs or the beginning of the disease coccidiosis.Always You have a canary birds or other birds as possible to feed the host eggs or chicks in the event that the female abandoned the nest Goldfinch.